Satwik Gupta
Work Experience
Currently contributing to the Freshservice team, learning and improving sprint by sprint.
InMobi | Sr. Software Engineer
Feb, 2022 - March, 2024
Developed Lagom, a comprehensive ad-experience suite, utilizing Svelte, Xstate, and Typescript. This involved building the entire ad lifecycle through intricate state machines.
Designed and implemented a robust funnel metrics system for video ads, tracking metrics from valid wins to render and video completion. Collaborated closely with product teams to optimize Click-Through Rates (CTR) and Video Completion Rates (VCR), resulting in increased revenue.
Expanded video ad capabilities by integrating support for HLS videos through VAST, broadening the range of supported video types and unlocking a previously untapped revenue stream.
Authored and published a use-case document for video ads, serving as the authoritative reference for the entire organization.
Anarock | Sr. Software Engineer
July, 2020 - Jan, 2022
Developed Pulse, a React Native app for performance reporting, analyzing data and custom alerts using Expo, Typescript and Redux. Owned its build & deployment pipeline along with managing its stability and performance.
Worked on improving performance of existing apps and reduced TTI by minimizing main-thread work through import on interaction pattern, code splitting and cut down on unnecessary re-renders.
I was also responsible for hiring and mentoring developers, maintaining code standards across products, and taking tech decisions.
Anarock | Software Engineer
July, 2018 - June, 2020
Built dashboards for tracking, digitizing and reporting of lead’s journey with focus on performance, code reliability and reusability, with advanced features like lead transfer, URL encoded filtering, notifications etc.
Open Source Contribution
Built components and wrote tests for Anarock’s open source UI component library, built with React, Typescript, emotion and Storybook.
An active participant of Hacktoberfest and also a maintainer for Pebble. I also advocate and help people in making their first open source contribution.
Feb, 2018 - June, 2018
Built a real time leads portal using web sockets with React, SCSS and Redux.
May, 2017 - June, 2017
Built a synchronizer which used C# for client side application, JAVA to set up a FTP server and process data and Elasticsearch to search and analyse the data.
May, 2016 - June, 2016
Built a dynamic customer dashboard using jQuery and CodeIgniter and the app using Apache Cordova. Also worked on optimizing performance of existing web apps.
B.Tech (Computer Science & Engineering)
2014 - 2018
DIT University, Dehradun
CGPA: 8.2/10
Represented DITU in ACM ICPC 2016 Amritapuri and 2017 Kanpur regionals.
JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, Svelte, XState Next.js, React, React Native, Expo, Redux, Webpack, SASS, Emotion, Python